Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Tights Galore!

So it has finally happened in DC. The cold has set in and the coats have come out of storage. It is time for wool skirts and sweater dresses. But don't forget your legs! A great way to "spice up" the winter basics, such as black skirts and gray dresses, is to add a pop of color with tights!
How to wear:
Here is Blair (my fashion icon) with her entourage as featured in Gossip Girl. Notice how their tights look amazing due to the fact that the rest of their outfits are simple. The first step to a chic outfit with colored tights is to wear neutral clothing. This will let your tights be the focal point without competing with busy patterns or other bright colors.
Also don't rule out patterned black tights! They can look great with black dresses and skirts! As seen below Maybe even try them with golds and browns!
Here are some great real-life examples!
First up is Co-Intern's (CI) awesome outfit! CI knows how to rock purple tights!
Next is Trendy Bargainista (she loves a sale just as much as yours truly). I am LOVING her green tights! (and sassy pose!)
What they both did right was keeping the rest of their outfits simple and clean. The best part of tights is that they are usually CHEAP and usually on SALE!

In addition, here is my new DO and DON'T list:
-green pea coat
-colored tights (obviously)
-striped sweater dresses
-Land's End Canvas Collection! (Like J.Crew only cheaper)
-grilled cheese

-fur boots
-leather leggings
-feather jewelry
-scratchy sweaters
-bright green nail polish


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