Friday, October 29, 2010

Easy (and cheap!) Desk Organizational Tricks!

I don't know about you but my desk is usually a mess! I consider myself to be a relatively clean person but my desk has always felt the brunt of my laziness. My desk is the first place I go when I walk into my room so I usually throw my keys, books and bag on it without thinking twice. However, last night I went on a mission to organize the space!
The first step was the get the massive tangle of cords next to my desk in order (untangling my laptop charger from my phone charger has turned into a daily frustration!)
I bought those adorable Vera Bradley binder clips (mentioned in the previous post) and clamped them around a folded piece of masking-tap. Next I tapped the ends to my desk and labeled them for convenience. Then I threaded the chord through them and voila!
Here is another view:
However, I cannot give myself full-credit for this one. I borrowed this idea from College Prep
Next, I wanted to organize the never-ending amount of loose-paper I seem to accumulate. I found this clear file box at Target for $10.00 I sorted the tabs by class/extracurricular activity/etc. To spice it up I found a monogram font online and printed out my initials. I then wrapped a ribbon behind the graphic and now I have an efficient (and chic!) way to organize my papers!
And from far away
It matches my lamp!
My next task was to find a solution to my top desk drawer. I don't know about you, but I have always relied on this drawer for keeping extra pens, pencils, post-its organized so they can be easily located when I need to restock my pencil case. However, the drawer has turned into a mess! To remedy this problem I took some old plastic containers (bought at IKEA three for $2 or so) and snapped the lids off. Now they are holders for my pens and pencils.
Already my life has become more organized from these easy (and cheap!) desk organizational tricks!

Now onto Halloween-
I love a good play-on-words costume! Here are a few that I came up with/saw/heard:
1.) Dress like a cat and wear a sign that says "scan"......You're a CAT-SCAN!
2.) Wear a beard and carry a pot and gardening shovel.....Your're HARRY POTTER!
3.) Wear a floral shirt and boxing gloves......You're HAWAIIAN PUNCH!

Happy Halloween!!


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